The renowned director Masahiro Sakurai returns to the fray with a new video game of the fighting series Super Smash Bros. with a premise very special: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate includes all the characters that ever appeared in renditions of the past, and also a few new: Inkling (Splatoon), and Ridley (Metroid), among others.The Smash “definitive” takes Nintendo Switch the template of the original Smash for N64 (Mario, Link, Donkey Kong, Samus, Pikachu…), and then add all subsequently viewed as unlockable characters, including those that appeared on a single occasion or as DLC in the past; as Pichu, Ryu, Bayonetta, Cloud, or Wolf. Many of them receive some type of redesign in your damage, arsenal of movements or merely aesthetic.
In total, we talked with a staff of 65 fighters at the time of announcement, with the characters Gamma; but the beloved 2D brawler is also proud to house an enormous amount and variety of support characters and scenarios. These last have a version of Omega’s most ambitious seen in the Smash for 3DS and WiiU.
Name → Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Platform → Nintendo Switch
Language → Japanese, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Korean, Dutch, Russian, Chinese
Type (dump) → NSP
Size → 14.29 gb
Region → Region Free
Tested on → SX OS 2.6.2 firmware 7.0.1
Servers available
Mediafire ► Game (base)
Google Drive ► Update 3.1.0 | 14 DLCPassword: don’t have
Tutorial → Installation of games NSP Switch
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